In order to maintain certification, DMCPs must Recertify every 5 years. DMCP designations are valid through 31 December of the 5th year following the test date. Download and complete the Professional Development Documentation Form if providing continuing education hours.
Recertification Due | Initial Certification Year
2022 | 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017
2023 | 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018
2024 | 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019
2025 | 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020
2026 | 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006
2024 Recertification Fees
- $200 - Before 1 Sept. 2024
- $300 - 1 Sept. - 31 Dec. 2024
- $400 - Lapse Year (after 31 Dec. 2025)
Recertification Tips
It's not as complicated as one might think!
The Certification and Accreditation Board simplified the recertification process in 2018. The CAB moved away from the "point system" and converted the form to easy checkbox options.
Section I
DMCPs must have a minimum of 3 years of direct DMC experience in the past 5 years.
Section II
A total of 8 check boxes are required in this section in the areas of Professional Development, Industry Memberships, Industry Certifications, ADMEI Involvement, and Contributions to the Industry. Options include:
Continuing Education Hours
- 10 hours of continuing education counts as a checkbox. This industry education must have occurred in the last 5 years. 20 hours or more provides for 2 check boxes.
- Consider taking advantage of free industry content such as IMEX Smart Monday, free ADMEI and MPI webinars.
- A Professional Development Documentation Form must be completed for each session a DMCP is claiming. CMPs or CMP candidates may instead provide a screen capture of the hours earned in the last 5 years through the Events Industry Council (EIC) portal.
Association Memberships
- Membership in other industry associations count. Additionally, service as a committee or board member for those associations provide additional checkbox options.
Industry Certifications
- Industry Certifications earned in the last 5 years count toward a checkbox.
ADMEI Involvement
- ADMEI involvement provides a lot of checkbox opportunities:
- ADMEI Annual Conference attendance (multiple conferences provide additional checkboxes)
- DMC Institute participation
- Study Session leader
- Test Item Writing Conclave participation
- DMCP exam proctor
Speaker | Author | Lecturer | Course Instructor
- Articles published, classes taught, and serving as a speaker or panelist also count toward recertification. Teaching a hospitality course at a university or community college also counts toward a checkbox.