ADMC accreditation requires annual maintenance. That maintenance is either in the form of a Reaffirmation or a Renewal. After two years of Reaffirming, an ADMC must complete the Renewal process. (Visit ADMC Reaffirmation to learn more about how the Reaffirmation process works.)
ADMC Renewal Process
An accredited DMC will pay an annual maintenance fee of $250 ($500 for non-members) which will be included and detailed in their membership invoice.
The Renewal process is completed every third year after accreditation. (The Reaffirmation process is completed in years one and two after accreditation - visit the ADMC Reaffirmation page to learn more.)
- Renewal notice is sent to ADMC in July.
- ADMC must complete the Renewal form and pay the annual fee:
- ADMC must provide document upload via a form.
Required Documents
Document Submission Guidelines
- Upload documents using the ADMC Document Upload form.
- Submit current documents within 30 days of submitting application.
- Nomenclature - Name your documents according to the bold words in each of the items below followed by the DMC's name. (i.e. Certificate of Good Standing - XYZ Company)
- A copy of the company’s Articles of Incorporation (this is only required if the Articles of Incorporation has changed since becoming an ADMC)
- Documentation of tax law compliance or Certificate of Good Standing from the state in which the DMC is incorporated, or has its principal office, and for each DMC office, branch, subsidiary, and affiliate.(if different from the state/province/country in which the DMC is incorporated, when required by law.) Note that accreditation can only be granted to offices of the DMC in states/provinces/countries from which a Documentation of tax law compliance or Certificate of Good Standing is provided.
- Balance sheet current within 90 days of application attesting to the company’s financial status or a letter of financial standing from your CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or equivalent.
- Bankruptcy resolution (if applicable)
- Lawsuit(s) resolution (if applicable)
- Membership Certificates of applicable Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)/Destination Organization (DO), Tourist Bureau, local Chamber of Commerce organization.
- Certificates of Insurance/evidence of general liability coverage in the amount of $2 million that are in the DMC name and not in the name of the clients.
- Formal Organizational Chart noting all company positions and the hierarchy within the company.
- Written Job Descriptions for all job functions noted within the organizational chart. This must include education and experience requirements for each position.
- A representative sample Service Contract (fees and other sensitive information should be deleted)
- A representative Sample Survey.
- Download Declaration and Release with Principal/officer signature.
Revocation of Accreditation Status
Accreditation may be subject to revocation for the following reasons:
- The DMC has made a material misstatement on the application or in any representation to the Commission, whether intentional or unintentional
- The DMC no longer meets one or more of the ADMC Program Standards
- Non-payment of annual accreditation fee.
No DMC's accreditation shall be revoked unless the accredited company is first notified of the Commission's intent to review its status in a manner that delivery of such notice can be validated, and the reason for which the organization's accreditation is being reviewed. The DMC will be given thirty (30) days to correct the problems that the Commission identifies as jeopardizing the DMC's accredited status. If, in the Commission's determination, the problems have not been corrected after thirty (30) days, accreditation will be revoked. This decision may be appealed to the DMC Accreditation Appeals Committee. The company may reapply for accreditation no less than twelve (12) months after the date of the revocation of accreditation or at any time thereafter.
If an ADMC knowingly falls out of compliance with the ADMC program standards during its accreditation period, the DMC must notify ADMEI. The DMC will be given sixty (60) days to correct the problem, and the procedure will continue as described in the above paragraph. Failure to notify ADMEI under such circumstances may result in revocation of accreditation.