Frequently Asked Questions
The amount of time required will vary depending on the following factors:
- How complete the documentation of policies and procedures are at the DMC. DMCs with well-documented and thorough policies and procedures will find it easier to demonstrate compliance.
- Who is preparing the application? Some DMCs use staff teams to prepare for accreditation and others task one individual with the responsibility.
Estimated time to gather all the documents is approximately 20 hours. Please note, this is an estimate.
The first time a company applies for accreditation it will take more time. For the renewals (every three years) all the material is gathered - but it needs to be updated to reflect the change in practices.
There is no time limit for enrollment.
$800 / Member ($550 + $250)
- Application fee:
- $550 for corporate office
- $500 for each additional office in the same state
- $750 for each additional office in a separate state
- ADMC Maintenance Fee: $250
Each fee is increased by 100%.
An accredited DMC will pay a annual maintenance fee of $250 ($500 for non-members). This billing will be detailed in your annual membership dues invoice.
Forms and Documentation
In order to maintain accreditation, ADMCs must complete either a Reaffirmation form or a Renewal form. In the first and second year after accreditation, an ADMC will complete a Reaffirmation form; in the third year an ADMC Renewal form will need to be submitted, along with required documentation. This cycle continues as long as accreditation is held. These processes are in place to ensure that the DMC is still in compliance with all current standards.
Please note, these fees do not include the costs that any individual DMC might incur in modifying its services or programs to comply with accreditation requirements.
All the mandatory standards will have an equal weight. Substantial compliance is required for each mandatory standard to be accredited. The DMC Accreditation Committee will evaluate compliance with voluntary standards to determine progress toward achieving continual improvement.
An ADMC application may be submitted once the form has been completed and documentation has been gathered.
All ADMC Commissioners have signed statements agreeing to keep all information reviewed as part of the accreditation process confidential. All applications and documentation are kept on a secured server to which volunteer ADMEI members do not have access. Company information will not be seen by any DMC staff. Each ADMC Commissioner is first asked if they have any conflict of interest with a DMC prior to their being selected to review an application.
Here's a sample of a letter prepared by a CPA:
"I have worked with XYZ company for 12 years. I have not performed an audit or review, so I am unable to express an opinion or make a representation about the financial future of the business. However, during the time I worked with XYZ company, I have witnessed them go from $100,000/year in gross revenues to $3M while becoming debt free. Based on this type of historical performance over the time I have been associated with them, I would consider XYZ company financially stable."
Another sample letter prepared by a CPA:
"Management is responsible for the accompanying financial states of COMPANY which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31 YEAR, and the related statement of income and members’ equity for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We have performed a compilation engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICAP. We did not audit or review the financial statements nor were we required to perform any procedures to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by management. According, we do not express an opinion, a conclusion, nor provide any form of assurance of these financial statements.
Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statement of cash flows required by accounting principles general accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures and the statement of cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user’s conclusions about the Company’s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly, the financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters."
A single letter cannot be used to meet both of these requirements, even if a hotel is also a client.
DMCs will be informed of non-conformity to mandatory standards and be given an opportunity to demonstrate compliance prior to the final ADMC Commission decision. Following the decision, if disputes regarding compliance with a mandatory standard exist, an appeal process is available. A copy is available upon request.
All ADMCs are noted on the ADMEI website in their member listing and in the list of Accredited DMCs. ADMCs will receive a certificate and will be recognized in the ADMEI Newsletter distributed to the entire ADMEI membership.
ADMCs may complete the Guidelines for ADMC Logo Usage. Once it is signed and returned, the ADMC logo will be provided for use on the ADMC's company promotional materials, including letterhead, business cards, proposals, website, business cards, email signatures, etc. This logo is available in .jpg, .eps, and .png formats. The ADMC logo may only be used while a DMC is in compliance with all the ADMC requirements.