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Campus To Career


ADMEI's Campus to Career (CtoC) program connects the next generation of hospitality professionals with the exciting world of Destination Management. Designed as a bridge between academic studies and real-world experience, CtoC offers students pursuing hospitality degrees the tools, opportunities, and connections they need to thrive in the Destination Management and events industry.

CtoC focuses on:

  • Educational Resources - Providing educational content on standards and trends in Destination Management. This can be via curriculum, copies of Best Practices in Destination Management, conference registrations, student and faculty memberships, access to member resources via MyADMEI, etc.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employment - Helping students transition seamlessly from academics to career opportunities by connecting them with industry professionals and experiential learning.
  • Connecting DMCs with Local Talent - Providing resources to help DMCs engage with students and faculty at nearby colleges and universities, fostering partnerships that create career pathways and industry exposure.


Why Campus to Career?

The hospitality industry thrives on real-world experience, and ADMEI is committed to equipping future professionals with the knowledge and practical skills needed to excel. Through meaningful engagement with Destination Management Companies, students will have the chance to explore career paths, build networks, and position themselves for success in a dynamic, experience-driven industry.

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