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Networking for Introverts: Surviving (and Thriving) at Big Industry Events

13 September 2024

7 Tips from Self-proclaimed Introvert Val Delaney, Executive Vice President, ADMEI


Picture this: You're standing in the bustling halls of the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, surrounded by thousands of hospitality professionals from around the globe. The energy is palpable, the opportunities endless, but for an introvert, it can definitely feel like you've stepped onto another planet. Welcome to IMEX America 2024, the premier exhibition for incentive travel, meetings, and events.


From October 8-10, 2024, Las Vegas will once again host this amazing industry show. It's a goldmine of networking opportunities, cutting-edge trends, and invaluable insights. But let's face it, for us introverts, it can also be a recipe for social anxiety and overwhelm.

Fear not, my fellow quiet professionals! I'm here to share seven tried-and-true strategies to help you not just survive but actually thrive at IMEX America and other big industry events. Why? Because, according to SITE’s latest IT&ME Survey of corporate event organizers, 81% say trade shows like IMEX are the best way to make new connections. So think of this as your introvert's guide to conquering the networking jungle without losing your cool (or your voice).


1.  Embrace the Power of the "Social Battery"


First things first, let's talk about energy management. As introverts, we operate on what I like to call a "social battery." It's like a smartphone battery, but instead of juice for your apps, it powers your ability to socialize.


At a massive event like IMEX America, your social battery is going to drain faster than a cold drink on a hot summer day. The key is to recognize this and plan accordingly. Schedule some "recharge" breaks throughout your day. Find a quiet corner, step outside for some fresh air, or if your schedule allows, you can even retreat to your hotel room for a quick power nap. 


Pro Tip:  Remember, it's not about avoiding social interaction; it's about pacing yourself so you can bring your A-game when it matters most.


2. The Buddy System: Not Just for Elementary School Field Trips

Remember the buddy system from school? Well, it works wonders at industry events too. If possible, attend IMEX America with a colleague or connect with a fellow introvert beforehand. Having a familiar face around can provide a sense of comfort and support. Plus, you can tag team networking efforts, make introductions for each other, and provide backup in conversations.


3. Leverage Technology: The Introvert's Secret Weapon

In our digital age, networking doesn't have to happen only face-to-face. Use social media to your advantage before, during, and after the event. Follow the event hashtag, engage with posts, and connect with people online. This can make in-person meetings feel less daunting when you finally meet.  You can even use your online connections to identify that Buddy I mentioned earlier!  #ADMEI  #IMEX24


4. The Art of Strategic Networking

Now, let's tackle the networking beast. Instead of trying to meet everyone (which, let's be honest, is impossible and exhausting), focus on quality over quantity. Before the event, set some clear goals for yourself. Maybe you want to connect with three potential clients or suppliers, or learn about two new destinations or industry trends. Having a game plan will help you feel more focused and less overwhelmed.


Pro tip: Use the event's app or website to identify key people or companies you want to connect with. Many events, including IMEX America, offer matchmaking services or pre-scheduled appointment options. Take advantage of these! It's much easier to prepare for a few targeted meetings than to navigate a sea of strangers.


5. Small Talk Hacks for the Conversationally Challenged

Let's address the elephant in the room: small talk. It's the bane of many introverts' existence, but it doesn't have to be. Instead of dreading it, think of small talk as the appetizer before the main course of more meaningful conversation.


Come prepared with a few go-to conversation starters. Ask people about their favorite session so far or what trends they're most excited about.  For me, sports is a great topic.  I follow some international soccer, and many US sports, so many times, I can find a sporting topic that I can ease into the small talk. Or, if you followed the Paris Olympics-– what a great small-talk topic as it applies to nearly every country around the globe!


Look, you can even use the location to your advantage: "Is this your first time in Las Vegas? What do you think of it?" Remember, most people love talking about themselves, so ask questions and then practice your active listening skills.


6. Exhibiting? Master the 30-Minute Meeting 

As an introverted exhibitor at IMEX America, you might have pre-scheduled appointments with potential buyers you've never met. These 30-minute slots are golden opportunities, but they can also be nerve-wracking. Here's how to make the most of them:

  • Prepare a concise "elevator pitch" about your product or service. Practice it until it feels natural.
  • Research your meeting partners beforehand. Knowing a bit about their business can help you tailor your approach and skip unnecessary small talk.
  • Structure your meeting agenda. For example: 2 minutes for introductions, 5 minutes to understand their needs, 15 minutes to present your solution, 5 minutes for questions, and 3 minutes to discuss next steps.
  • Have visual aids ready. We introverts often excel at preparation, so leverage this strength. Create a brief, engaging presentation or product demo that can guide the conversation.
  • Prepare thoughtful questions about their business challenges. This shifts the focus to them and allows you to listen and respond, which many introverts find more comfortable than extended talking.
  • End with a clear call-to-action. Whether it's scheduling a follow-up call or sending additional information, know exactly what you want to achieve by the meeting's end.

Pro Tip:  Keep in mind, these buyers are there to find solutions. By focusing on how you can help them rather than on selling yourself, you can create a purposeful interaction that plays to your introverted strengths.


7. Remember: You're Not Alone

Finally, remember that you're not the only introvert at IMEX America!  Many of your fellow attendees are probably feeling the same way. By being authentic and true to yourself, you might just find that you connect more deeply with others who appreciate your thoughtful, measured approach.


IMEX America 2024 is an incredible opportunity to grow your network, learn about industry innovations, and propel your career forward. By embracing these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the event with confidence and ease.


Remember, being an introvert in the hospitality industry isn't a disadvantage—it's your superpower. Your ability to listen deeply, think critically, and form meaningful connections can set you apart in a sea of small talk. 


One personal request as you map out your IMEX America plan – Please stop by ADMEI’s booth, D3034, and ask for Val.  You can use this blog as our icebreaker and then learn all about the amazing things ADMEI is doing as the Voice of DMCs. 


Now, go forth, conquer IMEX America and show the world what introverts are truly capable of.  As you prepare for this exciting event, keep in mind that success isn't measured by the number of business cards you collect or hands you shake. It's about the quality of connections you make and the insights you gain. By staying true to yourself and implementing these tips, you'll not only survive IMEX America—you'll thrive.


So pack your comfy shoes, your business cards, and your introvert survival kit. Las Vegas is waiting, and who knows? You might just find that what happens at IMEX America leads to amazing opportunities that follow you home long after the event ends.


See you on the show floor!

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